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Flight #12: I’m Dead, Now What?

Pilot Money Guys:

Flight #12: I'm Dead, Now What?

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In part 2 of our Estate Planning Series "I'm Dead, Now What?" we go over 3 steps to make sure you're estate is prepared. If you are unsure whether you have a good plan for the unexpected, this is the podcast for you.

We discuss what documents you need to have in place, why getting organized is important, and how beneficiaries and trusts go together to protect your family.

You heard us right! We are giving away copies of our Estate Planning tool "I'm Dead, Now What?" to the first 10 people to email us at We have also put together an Estate Planning Checklist, which is available to everyone. If you would like us to mail you our Estate Planning checklist, email us at

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or would like help with your financial plan - reach out at or call us at 865-240-2292.

Thank you for listening!